Fence Sitting?
Posted by:
Danny ®

05/31/2005, 07:51:52
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Reading the past several days posts I am intrigued by the expressions made by a few ... that there should be no blame or responsibility on m's behalf. I have been reading posts claiming that life is beautiful and full of 'grace' when one is at the "toilet" feet and that many have been 'saved' from themselves (drugs) by escaping the 'world' and finding "shelter" in m's world!!!

First off.... life IS beautiful... no argument there!

BUT.... the fact still remains that those of us that trusted m and actually made the effort to dedicate ourselves by 'leaving the world' and moving into the assrams...have had those years robbed from them. I won't claim that I didn't enjoy most of those years... I did, But I also recognize that the so called 'shelter' was an escape from reality. While I listen to some claim that they never gave up anything to follow m... I understand that they also did not follow direction very well. Do I give them credit for that... hell no.

Sitting on the fence is not a goal I ever aspired to. Those that thought they could follow some of what m said and discard what they didn't like.... were fence sitters. Kinda like those that don't vote (US elections) and yet after someone is elected claim they were for that person all along. FENCE SITTERS!

Mediocrity is not a value I respect. Today's news programs are good examples of the BS that has infiltrated our society. These non-committed fence sitters today allow one person to say the sky is orange ... and another to say the sky is blue. Then they debate the statement. This is called "fair and balanced". Where is the reality here??

Yes, I have gone on to live a very comfortable life after m and have been fortunate to have had a family that cared for me. However.... 10 years in the assram did isolate me and others from facing reality. Yes, this was my choice, however the choice was made based on certain claims by m that have been found to be suspect at best.

So those of you that love to discredit some ex's by saying that it was our fault that we took m seriously and tried to do as directed.... I think you should rethink your reasoning. By sitting on the fence you never actually gave in to m or k and therefore cannot comment on those of us that did.

M claimed to be god incarnated! He claimed to be the "ONE". Early on in 1973 & 4 I recall going to college campuses to 'propogate' and remember the comment made that if Christ was alive today... would you want to be one of those that ignored him?

How can someone follow m and yet be non committed? If they were then my guess is that they were in this for social reasons, (part of the club).

I had an uncle that while donating a million dollars every year to Isreal, also gave heavily to the Catholic church as well as other religions. He would boast that he was 'covering all his bases'! I used to strongly argue with him on this point yet... he, being a typical fence sitter, could never know what committment meant. In fact he would say that I was foolish to "put all my eggs in one basket". Perhaps I was and am still, but I have a hell of a lot more respect for those that go 'all in' as opposed to those that "FENCE SIT".

Real premies, not fence sitters, lost those years. There was NO growth, no responsibility, and certainly no assistance for dealing with real world situations. Those of you that claim otherwise... let me ask you this> do you shelter your children by not allowing them exposure to the world. Do you prevent them from mingling with other children for fear they will get "bad" ideas? Do you keep them at home and not teach them about responsibility? No sense of how finances work? No TV? No internet? No exposure at all? The only ones I see doing that today are the ultra religious lunatics that as their kids grow older are totally unprepared to live in this world.

This may be a poor example but... I hope some of you get my point.

So again... those of you that are 'committed' to sitting on fences... get real! Or at least ... learn something from those that truly did commit themselves. Quit making excuses for your lack of ability to own up to your own decisions. From what I see... the ex's that have expressed anger at m HAVE taken responsibility. Those of you condemning them or attempting to cover up the wounds are to me ... the one's living with blinders.

I suggest you listen and learn.

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