Is enough ... enough?
Re: enough is enough -- Livia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Danny ®

06/02/2005, 09:36:53
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Livia... thanks for making your personal declaration in response to my post using your name.... Perhaps I misunderstood your intent. PERHAPS???

However I do want to comment on your statement ...

"I glanced at the forum again, saw all the same people going over and over the same stuff and thought "how long should it take to get your anger out?" Surely more than a couple of years is longer than is good for anyone. Visit, post, question, analyse, understand, grieve, rant and rave - fine. Even for a couple of years or so. But then - move over and make room for others who may need to go through the same stuff in a supportive environment."

I question whether this site and those posting here are only here to work through their 'problems' with m or k.

For me... finding this site ... several years ago and then only beginning to post here recently... has been more about WARNING potential targets of m and his cult. The fact that folks come in here to post their anger and explain the damage caused by M, and making certain that no revisionism works it's way in here... is fine by me. In fact... I commend those that will bring up ... over n over again... the facts behind m and his history.

I agree with you that "fragile new ex's" should be welcomed and allowed to express their views.... however ... I disagree that those views should ever be unchallenged when necessary.

IMO this is serious stuff.... not just some "lovey dovey hugs all around" new age banter.

So again.... If I misunderstood your intentions on your previous posts ... I apologise. But IF, your intent is to force out 'older' ex's from this site , or in some way have them "lighten up" their posts... I for one ... disagree. I am grateful for them hanging around and continuing their "expressions". HEHEHE

Perhaps this site should be renamed "TRUE EXPRESSIONS".

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