We all have voices
Re: Those who gave the most, lost the most.... -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Thorin ®

05/31/2005, 15:42:54
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Great thread!  Very thought provoking.

I'm not so sure about the dividing line between fence sitters and everyone else, I agree with Shelagh it is not as black and white as that.  However I also agree with the general thrust that those who gave the most lost the most.

I do think that everyone, wherever they are on the continuum, has a valid point of view worth expressing and worth listening to.  There is no dividing line between those who 'gave' and those that did not 'give' other than through some arbitary mental process.  We all gave a lot, some more than others, we all sacrificed a lot, some more than others.  We all were influenced by the coercion, some more than others. We all feel an anger and regret as to what happened, some more than others.  Many may feel they did not give or sacrifice a lot, indeed many may feel they did not suffer much coercion.

In all cases, regardless where anyone is on the continuum, I believe we all have a voice that is unique and worth listening to.  I would be deeply saddened if it was felt that only non 'fence sitters' had a voice worth listening to.


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