Re: No, Livia, you do need to be picked apart.
Re: No, Livia, you do need to be picked apart. -- Babaluji Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Livia ®

06/02/2005, 19:02:22
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"But regardless, you on more than one occasion have said that he drank or is drinking because of having to live and cope with his deception.

Your projection or clairvoyance is far worse than any 'Group Think' label that you are shoving on us. Get a reality check!"  (Babaluji)

Q: Did he ever let go of this facade at any point in time?

Bob (Mishler): His own doubts? Oh yes, on a number of occasions. He is a pathetic person in this respect. Earlier in the show, I made reference to his own psychological degeneration. The anxiety that is caused to him by the role that he is in is tremendous.

Unlike what he advocates, he is not capable of dealing with it by means of meditation. He ends up drinking excessively in order to cope with the stress. It was very sad to see him drinking himself into a stupor day after day  (EPO)

You're nit-picking, Babaluji, and you know it, or you ought to.

The fact is, in that interview, Mishler spelt out that M's drink problem was a reaction to the stress of his situation.  Perhaps you need to go back and read EPO.

Getting the story direct from the late Mishler's mouth and subscribing to group-think aren't really the same thing in anyone's book.


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