The fence is down now so ...
Re: Eileen -- Sulla Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Danny ®

06/03/2005, 02:13:52
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Again, I knew many people who received k and regardless of how defensive my comments make some people feel, I stand by them! There WERE many premies that accepted the 'group' thing yet weren't into m .. or.... many that accepted some of m (m lite) but not the part of him being LOTU! Or some who sought favour by getting to 'drive mahatmas around town' yet didn't buy into the devotion thing!

Give me a break.... when someone makes the comment that "boo hoo, shame on you all for falling for m, you silly fools....get over it already" or "it is YOUR OWN fault for buying into the guru thing.... so quit blaming the guru for your stupidity" ... or "it's time for you to move on with your life and quit posting your anger at m, you may hurt someone's feelings"....Sorry but .. to me ... those comments are ignorant!

Some of you talk about being 'sensitive' yet ignore the damage that was done by m to some folks. Such "loving" premies! Always willing to 'make nice' no matter what the cost! I sold my soul once to m... I took it back.... I won't sell it again...especially to anyone that demands turning a blind eye to reality.

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