Reinventing yourself ?
Re: Danny - Why are you so threatened? -- eileen Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Danny ®

06/03/2005, 17:05:19
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Eileen.... you leen way too far out of reality for me to take you even half seriously!

First off.... you stating that you saw no condescension is not my concern... just because you are blinded ..don't expect me to agree there. I was expressing MY take ...not yours!

Next... you claim never to have read anyone express the sentiment of "boo hoo, shame on you all for falling for m, you silly fools....get over it already" or "it is YOUR OWN fault for buying into the guru thing.... so quit blaming the guru for your stupidity" ... or "it's time for you to move on with your life and quit posting your anger at m."

May I quote you? From earlier posts ?

You said on one post recently ""Instead of saying that the ones that gave more were the more dumb, they choose to say that the ones that gave less were not good enough."

Implying what? That those that gave more ... (weren't fence sitters) were "dumber" than those that sat on the fence? What the heck are you saying? The sentiments are quite clear my dear!

Then you say in another post regarding Dear Miami-Dade College: in response to Pat on your condemnation of RJChinook being here only a few days and not having even received k. >
"...YOU ARE VICTIMS - YOU ARE ALWAYS GOING TO BE VICTIMS!!! Maharaji ruined your life - it is all his fault that you are failures.....Livia just spent several days trying to convey a point, which I think could have actually helped people here to move on.....I don't blame Rawat - I blame ME .....I do regret many of the choices I made, but they were my choices. Alot of good came from it too, which is what you all seem to forget. That is why it is so unhealthy to spend so much time here...And anyone who was involved for 30 years and wasn't having an experience - SHAME ON YOU!! You have nobody to blame but yourself for that."

Now tell me how this doesn't sound like ...BOO HOO SHAME ON YOU ETC ETC!

Eileen, I can't tell you what to do or would even try to ... you are an adult, however .... don't try reinventing yourself when your own posts tell your tale... You want to defend m? Go ahead... but expect reaction! You want to defend Livia ... Ghi....? LOLOL Go ahead. But the more you post the more rediculous you appear.

You ask why I feel so threatened?

I certainly don't feel threatened by any of this! However as I said before... I already sold my soul once before...and took it back.... I will not allow you or Livia or any other person to tell me to turn a blind eye on reality. Facts are facts ... and your facts my dear ... are on posts for all to see!

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