The "it's only a small number of exes" bullshit
Re: AHEM, cough, cough.... -- Danny Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

06/02/2005, 11:41:54
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I know a lot of ex-premies, in fact, almost everyone that I was friends with in the Rawat cult are ex-premies, but no one in that group, except me, say anything publicly about it, although they have most of the same feelings I do about how they were ripped off.  Most of these people are also ex-ashram premies.

The thing is, hundreds, perhaps more, people have left the Rawat cult with the help of this Forum and EPO over the past few years, and those are just the ones we know about.

People like Eileen and the gang at Elan Vital do not really care that most of the people who were once premies no longer are, as long as they keep their mouths shut about it.  The internet has changed that dynamic completely, because exes are no longer just isolated people, but are connected up in a public way.

The the bottom line is that the great majority of people who become premies, pwks, or whatever the current lingo is, become disillusioned with its promises and practices and leave. Probably most do it relatively quietly, perhaps telling no one, perhaps talking to their family and friends, who were/are no doubt relieved their friend or relative is no longer in a personality cult.  As you say, it can be embarrassing, once you realize you were duped into a weird cult, to admit that publicly.  I can see how people don't want to do that.  Plus, it can leave you open to vicious attacks from the loving premies.

Eileen and Elan Vital  can do nothing about the fact that most people leave their cult, but if you make public statements about the reasons for your disillusionment, people like Eileen and Elan Vital will try to minimize the numbers,  try to dismiss you with demeaning spin control, like that you are just "disgruntled," or mentally ill, or obsessed, or have some other deficiency such that no one should pay attention to what you have to say.

Those kinds of spin are, of course, doomed to failure, because it just makes Eileen look more like she really is a programmed cult member, and it makes EV looked even weirder and more paranoid than it actually is, which is really saying something.

Modified by Joe at Thu, Jun 02, 2005, 12:52:27

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