to John
Re: Livia, you are doing the same as Danny -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Livia ®

06/02/2005, 19:18:27
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Hi John

You occasionally post here - and why not.  Your posts have always been balanced and constructive, rather than gratuitious and embittered.  And yes, as an experienced ex you have a lot to offer the new exitee.  No I'm not suggesting you should give up and move on, because you strike me as a reasonable sort of person whose continuing (if only occasional) presence here makes good sense.

And I never said everybody who still posts here is having trouble moving on, but - some certainly seem to.

Wouldn't you feel tempted to suggest to a group of ex-partners of a violent man that they stop gathering together to go on and on about their time with him?  Wouldn't you feel like suggesting to them that for their own sakes it may be time for at least some of them to move on?

Regarding responsibility, of course I was responsible for too easily accepting the idea that there was such a thing as Knowledge of my self, and that there was One walking the planet who could reveal it. But I was not as responsible as the person who was making the claim.

No, that's true. But at least you're prepared to accept part of the responsibility.  All I've ever been trying to say on this subject is that it would be interesting to examine more deeply the reasons why we were so susceptible.

Anyway, I really just dropped in to make a couple of observations.  I've had a large number of supportive messages from other exes, so I'm obviously not alone in making these observations.

However, it's time to leave again - I've said what I wanted to say and have no wish to get involved in endless debating about it - life's frankly too short.

Nice to see you again anyway, John.




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