Re: Re: Is enough ... enough? -- Livia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Danny ®

06/03/2005, 01:16:39
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Lady.... get a grip!

First off .... while I may be a "new" poster here....I have always retained my ability to discern when someone is handing me a load of crap. Perhaps it is due to having been suckered in by the master of crap. Lesson learned, thank you!

I really do NOT appreciate your condescending attitude and your obnoxious desire to always have the last word and then declare that it is your last post and that you have no more time for this, blah blah blah! You have done so on so many posts here that it makes me question what your real motives are here!

"However, it's time to leave again - I've said what I wanted to say and have no wish to get involved in endless debating about it - life's frankly too short."

Your feeble attempt at playing phsychologist and your desire to be a fence mender brings me back to my original statement! LOL ... remember ...? About Fence sitters!

YOU SAY > "...some have dealt with their anger, but by staying here for any other reason than to (sensitively) welcome new exes, aren't they running the risk of remaining associated to M, albeit in a negative way? Is it 'good for the soul' (well-being) to spend more than a certain amount of time tearing one particualar apart?"

Why do you feel the need to speak for others? Your conclusions are rediculous! AND I could care less how many 'private' messages you receive from your (imaginary??) friends egging you on to be their heroine! As I said earlier.... you come off as someone that needs to bolster your own self image by some self proclaimed sense of being everyone's "mother"! You sound like a typical new age lovey dovey feel good airhead when you do so. I for one already have a mother ..thank you very much!

And yet the most telling of your comments was > "In other words, if you've all really left M behind, why carry on going on and on and on about it? Doesn't there come a time when it's a good idea to stop and move on, leaving the forum to other, fresher, newer exes?"

You say "...if YOU'VE all really left m behind..." Seems to me you have removed yourself from those that HAVE left m behind!

Then you say> "....it's a good idea to stop and move on leaving the forum to other, fresher, newer exes?" Hmm, if others hadn't vouched for you I would have gotten the impression from that comment that you are actually still a premie, trying desperately to get the 'troublemakers' outa here so that m can get more of his minions in here to dilute the forum and turn it into another mealy mouthed wishy washy opinion based forum. Thankfully, your reasoning won't fly!

Ohh and by the way.... that apology?? ROFL.... you were so filled with yourself that you didn't notice my sarcasm regarding your open proclamation. Seems you see only what you want to see and disregard the rest......kinda like what I was saying about premies that followed SOME of m's direction and disregarded the rest! (fence sitters)

I said...> ".... If I misunderstood your intentions on your previous posts ... I apologise. But IF, your intent is to force out 'older' ex's from this site , or in some way have them "lighten up" their posts... I for one ... disagree. I am grateful for them hanging around and continuing their "expressions". HEHEHE"

It does appear you have said again and again that it is time for 'older' ex's to move on and or lighten up! So I guess I didn't misunderstand your intentions as you've repeated them over n over again! So... no apology is in order here.

Your posts speak for themselves.

Just calling it as I see it!

Modified by Danny at Fri, Jun 03, 2005, 01:34:46

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