Any takers?
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Premie response ®

01/22/2005, 04:24:18
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It’s interesting to see exes still claim that Maharaji said he was God.
The irony is, it seems that only exes ever heard Maharaji say he was God.
In his first major talks in the US and England in 1971. Maharaji made it absolutely clear that he didn't believe that God was a human being.
On September 17th, 1971 at Boulder, Colorado, Maharaji said - “Some people think God is a human being, but he is not. God hasn’t got ears like us, nose like us, eyes like us, mouth like us, teeth, tongue, lungs, chest, bones. He isn’t like that.”
On November 2nd, 1971 in Westminster, England, Maharaji said- “The world thinks, people think, God is a man. People think God has got ears, nose, teeth, and he rises daily in the morning, brushes his teeth and washes his mouth. And he is an old man and he has a beard. All these things, people think.
But no, God is energy. God is perfect and pure energy”.
Could he be any clearer?
And just to make sure every premie understood, in 1973 Maharaji sent the film “Satguru has come” to every premie community around the world, so all premies would hear Maharaji’s say “God is perfect and pure energy” and not a human being.
Which explains why, in the nearly 20 years famous exes Bob Mishler and Michael Dettmers were Maharaji’s close confidants, they never heard Maharaji Ji use the word 'god' to describe himself.

Will any ex be brave enough to break away from the group think and agree that Maharaji made it absolutely clear in 1971 that he couldn’t possibly be God and has not deviated from that opinion since.
I don’t think so.
I expect a barrage of irrelevant quotes (ie. none of which will be Maharaji saying “I am God”), transparent attempts to change the subject and irrelevant criticism of me and my post.

PS The old chesnut "Guru is greater than God" comes from Kabir and others and refers to the common Hindu and Buddhist idea that God is everywhere but people can't experience God without the help of the Guru.

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