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Re: Any takers? -- Premie response Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Duh! ®

01/22/2005, 12:53:10
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Start with the Peace Bomb satsang, recite the words to Arti, go through the speeches linked below, but I suspect that it's not faulty memory at work here. You are either being wilfully ignorant or are yourself a victim or participant in his shameful revisionism strategy.

The claims to divinity were both implicit and explcit in terms of how he referenced himself in his speeches. And how else could one interpret him dressing up as Krishna, having us kiss his feet, singing arti to him decades into his arrival in the west. People like Mishler were on his ass to get off the "God Trip" early on. You know, the very heavy DEVOTION and SURRENDER trips he was laying on everyone - remember that? Rawat even went along for a bit until he became concerned that his donations were drying up.

NO, rather than take any sort of responsibility, or acknowledge any errors in judgment in how he spent decades presenting himself and knowledge to the world, Rawat steamrollers on. Steamrolling over our collective youthful sacrifice to him based on the beliefs that he perpetuated about himself.

BTW, you probably began your journey as a "premie" receiving knowledge and then reciting the following prayer in your "knowledge kit":

"Oh my Guru Maharaj Ji, I dedicate myself to your Lotus Feet. I am weak and ignorant and am filled with the impurities of this world. Oh Guru Maharaj Ji, please take my mind and purge me of the impurities I possess. Reveal to me the Knowledge of all knowledges. Strengthen me, uplift me and reveal the kingdom of heaven within inside of me. Bring me from hate to love, from darkness to light, death to immortality.I will obey you implicitly and will never reveal this Knowledge to anyone for any reason. I will keep in contact with you through my devotional love, satsang,meditation and service. Thank you my Lord for everything."

Related link:
Modified by Duh! at Sat, Jan 22, 2005, 12:59:28

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