"I always felt dishonest and uncomfortable singing those words, mind you; "
O god..there's no hope for me then. I loved Arti and was quite devastated when it got banned. I sometimes even sung it with tears rolling down my cheeks and my hands clasped angelically. Nothing was ever the same when they did away with it. The words were pretty terrifying though....what with things being swept out to sea , and anger,desire and ( worst of all) attachments, robbing us of eternal life.
Did you notice that really funky version on Satpal's site ? ( perhaps that's was EV means about honouring a brother...not! )
"a bit like being addicted to a soap opera, really. You can't help watching because you want the resolution to something, but it just keeps stringing you along."
Watch out Jani ! You're doing it again. Sounds like a description of this forum..which can get worse than Gerry Springer from time to time. ( but please stay awhile)