Re: DOH! Now he tells us!
Re: Re: DOH! Now he tells us! -- NikW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

01/23/2005, 06:31:29
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I don't live in the delusion that Prem Rawat will ever apologize for anything.  He has much too much to lose now.  At this point, even if he did (and he has hinted at it) say he's just a regular human being and not god-in-a-bod there are plenty of premies from the old days who would think he's just saying that for the newcomers.

When you look at how propagation is conducted, that's exactly what the organizations that support the work of Prem Rawat do and have done for years.  They don't tell the truth about Rawat or Knowledge.  It's typical personality cult stuff.


Modified by Cynthia at Sun, Jan 23, 2005, 06:42:11

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