Yes, I would take you on, Premie Response
Re: Any takers? -- Premie response Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Tempora ®

01/23/2005, 14:27:48
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And may just do so, from all the literature and anecdotal material of the time.

Either you're an old-time premie lying through his teeth, or some clever new-be dipping shallowly into the material of the time.

I'm quite sure that anyone with any knowledge of the time and backup material could blow you into tiny pieces.

If you're an old-timer trying to betray the happenings of earlier days, then shame on you.

If you're a newbe, then it saddens me the extent to which you will go in your attempt to gloss over the vast amount of material available to you to smother that which might trouble your very inane and shallow indoctrinated comfortable 'understanding'.

Modified by Tempora at Sun, Jan 23, 2005, 14:43:01

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