Re: Any takers? -- Premie response Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
NikW ®

01/22/2005, 09:50:56
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>in the nearly 20 years famous exes Bob Mishler and Michael Dettmers were Maharaji’s close confidants, they never heard Maharaji Ji use the word 'god' to describe himself.<

from: http://www.ex-premie.org/pages/mishler.htm

Bob: No, we came to a final confrontation prior to when I left the Divine Light Mission. He knew how I felt. We'd talked about it. At the beginning of 1976, we had agreed that we would in fact change his image.

I had persuaded him to see that he was going to lose his popularity and ability to do any good at all in this country, if he became a cult leader. If he continued to allow his devotees to believe that he was God, that was inevitable. He agreed, and we started de-programming our own membership and telling them to see Maharaji as only a human being who had a great concern for humanity.

In fact, he went along with this image change for about half a year. Then, when he saw that he wouldn't have the same kind of ascribed status that he had as the guru being God, he suddenly realised he wouldn't have the same kind of control over people. He started worrying about what was going to happen to him in terms of his finances.

Pre Repo you should check your facts before making unsustainable assertions. You just look ridiculous.

If you haven't worked out even this basic issue perhaps you should get over to EPO and do a lot more reading.

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