That is balderdash, Harry
Re: Dave, what he actually wrote was ..... -- Harry Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Sir Dave ®

01/22/2005, 09:18:58
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and if you were around in the seventies, you'll know you're talking nonsense.  I sang arti every morning and evening in the ashram and the words were,

Our Lord is the superior power in person

I bow down before such a wonderful Lord.

Upon saying which we then bowed down in front of Maharaji's picture.  One thing you've failed to realise in your above response is that a superior power in person has to be a person.  Not some disemboded spirit of God but an actual living, breathing person and when Maharaji wrote those words he was refering to himself as that person.

Get out of that one.

Modified by Sir Dave at Sat, Jan 22, 2005, 09:19:58

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