DOH! Now he tells us!
Re: Not a leaf moves . . . yada, yada: who are you kidding? -- Duh! Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

01/22/2005, 13:06:10
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Alert Moderators

It would have been better for everyone involved if Maharaji had said something like this to the premies in the 1970s (these are my words):

It was all a huge mistake.  I grew up in a family that was screwed up and I don't want to inflict that upon anyone else because it's not right.  I'm going back to India (or staying in the U.S.) and get an education for myself and start a career --- a legitimate career.  I can't apologize enough for taking up so much of your time and energy and money and devotion.  I don't deserve that.  I'm not special, I'm not the Lord, I'm not God, and I don't want to be your Guru either.  I'm not the Perfect Master.

Please don't worship me, because I'm no more important in the world than each one of you.  And don't call yourselves my premies or students or devotees anymore.  I'm finished with this game.  Go and find your own way in the world without me.  I have no special powers.

Please forgive me, I didn't mean for you to be hurt or mislead.  This has been nothing more than a huge mistake.

I'm sorry.  I was so wrong.

Prem Rawat

Still waiting....and it's never too late




Modified by Cynthia at Sat, Jan 22, 2005, 13:22:35

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