Re: Snakes Alive !
Re: Snakes Alive ! -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Sir Dave ®

01/23/2005, 06:50:33
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Yes, I was quite taken aback when I realised you were on the same coach as me that fateful night in Germany.  I didn't realise you'd been a premie back then when I knew you in the early eighties, ten years later.  And then there was the coach trip to Rome where the guy walked in front of the speeding car and was killed.  We were both there too.  I think we were on different buses though.

After 1983 I continued to live in East Dulwich but moved to Dog Kennel Hill estate for two years where I was continually burgled even though I had nothing left to steal.  The flat was a friend's council flat which she rented to me for £5 a week.  I eventually left there to live in a flat share with some lesbians and by then I had lost all vestages of premiedom.

I moved from there to a bedsit in Catford for a couple of years before upgrading to a flat in Brockley and later a better flat in Forest Hill, right round the corner from where Milky used to live.  Once my children came along I had to get bigger living space for them and so the upward trend continued with mortgage and car etc.

After I left premiedom in 1983 I lost contact with all the premies I used to know, except Richard and Ray who I only saw occasionally and even less in the nineties.  But I remember people such as Gina & Ray the milkman, who I've missed.  I believe Josie went back to America, on her own.

Most of the SE community escaped to the hills, I believe but I think you must have continued to know the ones that stayed if you were the Community Co-ordinator (what a grand title) in the eighties.

Anyway, using my brilliant Sherlock Holmes type powers of deduction, I've figured out that you must know CQ but I don't know if that was from way back when or not.  He won't know me though.

Thanks for correctly spelling the word "bounteous" by the way.  I've now corrected the Rev's sermon accordingly.

Modified by Sir Dave at Sun, Jan 23, 2005, 07:51:12

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