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Re: wow it was great to read that- -- Susan Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Duh! ®

01/23/2005, 17:24:48
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Excellent post Susan, it really resonated with me, especially:

But how we were, and are treated for telling our stories? It is just awful. It is like being revictimized. There is some PR thing where they talk about how well they handled it all. It is such BS! Mr. Rawat has never acknowledged publicly what happened on his watch.

Unfortunately, Rawat is as cavalier and dismissive as they come. Not only does he feel it unnecessary to acknowledge, explain or apologize about any of his misguided efforts in how he presented himself and knowledge. Or about the sacrifices many of us made to accomodate his misguided efforts. He feels the best policy is simply deny, deny, deny - attempt to rewrite history and attack any critics as being part of a "hate group". Susan, I know that you have a specific complaint surrounding Jagdeo and Rawat's response to it and all anyone can say is it's simply shameful and disgusting.

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