Unlit Matches
Re: The premie disconnect... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
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Duh! ®

01/23/2005, 15:53:45
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Unlit Matches. That's how Rawat characterizes his critics. Never mind that some of his biggest critics were those who were his closest aides and confidantes for decades! Obviously, this premie has had to jump through quite a lot of mental gymnastics in order to keep following and having faith in Rawat.

I submit that it is one thing for a long time premie to have to come to terms with Rawat being a mere mortal and another to have to also accept and explain away how Rawat cannot admit to nor take proper responsibiilty for his past. Make no mistake, Rawat condones the approach taken by EV regarding his detractors. No decision is made without his approval. The "hate group" labelling and full on revisionism is exactly why Rawat is not deserving of respect or leeway regarding early childhood conditioning. Far too much time has elapsed for that kind of leniency.

What we are left with is a man who has gotten fat and obscenely wealthy off of the backs of thousands of people who made enormous sacrifices (like this premie himself) based upon Rawat's Perfect Con-Game. And this has gone on long after the man came down from under the Krishna crown. There is no other explanation for this other than the fact that he values his own materialistic enrichment above the very lives of his followers!

The House of Rawat is built on chicanery, larceny, and moral bankruptcy. His PR machine may continue to pile up the civic awards but those that he has dismissed and tread upon will continue to be a thorn in his substantial back-side.

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