Yes! Another myth I'd like to see dispelled...
Re: Re: Another myth I'd like to see dispelled... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

01/24/2005, 23:25:30
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Hi Cynthia,

It is a myth that Prem Rawat was referring to his father when he talked about Guru Maharaj Ji. After all Prem Rawat was the "Living Lord". Bunny's got it right in her post above. Hi Bunny.

When Prem Rawat was talking about his dad he usually either said "Shi Hans" or "My Guru Maharaj JI" He made it clear enough who he was talking about when he spoke and there is plenty of proof of this. Prem Rawat IS/Was Guru Maharaj JI, it's silly to think otherwise.

After all it was Prem Rawat's picture that Premies sang to when singing (Arti) over and over again, day after day, a real mind conditioning cult practice that promoted Prem Rawat as the Lord.

Arti was boring and long and it made me cry a few times and grateful many more times that Arti was finally over with. Do you remember the practice of putting your fingers over the flame to get some kind of blessing or grace and then touching your forehead or third eye area with your fingers? So blissful. Then hide under a sheet and poke your eyeballs before going to sleep.

And the countless programs to see Guru Maharaj Ji/ Prem Rawat ~ the Perfect Master to recieve Darshan.. Where "His Feet" (not his dad's feet) got kissed for money or "Graditude".

Cynthia... your right about the weather that we have been having, it has been intense. I'm glad your a neighbor and I liked your post on another forum about "You know you live in New England when" (Jeff Foxworthy) I enjoyed that! I did hit a dear once and I do like it when the pot holes are filled with snow.

Thanks Cynthia ~ Hilltop

Modified by Hilltop at Mon, Jan 24, 2005, 23:34:48

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