No, Rawat don't do dat.
Re: Re: Is there a Maharaji discussion group for current students on the internet? -- Andries Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

08/17/2005, 14:12:02
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The cult doesn't do open discussion.  That, in and of itself, should be a HUGE red flag to anybody coming in contact with the Rawat cult.

Years ago, there was a message board at "" run by some guy in Florida, but some of the premies started posting about the belief system, etc., and about how Rawat was God, an all about the "grace" of the Perfect Master, and the cult had that posting board shut down.  Now, I think it might exist, but you have to be a certified premie and have a password to get in.

Then there were the catbox message boards, which appeared to exist for no other reason than to compulsively read everything ex-premies posted on the Forum and bitch about it, but I never saw any actual discussion of the issues involved with Rawat, just attacking the messengers.

Then there was which just up and evaporated one day, but that was not a message board or discussion group and was HEAVILY censored, such that only the current PC cult-talk was allowed.  But even that no longer fits into the "coolchill" world of the hip cult propagation (such as it is), and I believe that's why the plug was pulled on that site.  Like a lot of things, Rawat endorsed that site early on (even saying something positive about it in public), and then just ditched it with no explanation as to why it was no longer worthwhile.

But then, as we know, the Rawat cult is NOT a democracy, as Rawat himself has said in the past.  One dare not think of any logical reasoning or question any such actions, and open, free-speech discussion is greatly feared by most premies, lest they say the wrong thing and it gets back to the living God himself.  That's why, with exceptions you can count on one hand, whenever premies do post on F8, they are anonymous to the point of paranoia.

All cults are like that, really.  They are mostly based on fear.  The Rawat cult is no different.

Modified by Joe at Wed, Aug 17, 2005, 14:12:40

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