So what did you think stuff like this was about?
Re: Re: No side-stepping whatsoever -- paddy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

08/18/2005, 20:10:24
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Here's an excerpt from Hans Yog Prakash.  Didn't the premies in  your community pass it along a bit?  In my experience, the original had some play amongst us but Rawat, his family and the mahatmas quoted it at times and it was excerpted in various premie publications.  Look at some of the heavier stuff (which I'll highlight):


You will not get the privilege of having a human body again and again. You had better give up worldly pleasures, Kabir, and love your Guru.

A piece of gold does not lose its value if you drop it in a puddle. In the same way, whatever body a soul may take, any devotion which it has acquired will not be lost.

Devotion is very hard to come by, it cannot be reached without Truth. The path to devotion is very narrow, and sharp as a sword’s edge.

Devotion to the Guru is no easy job, it is a razor’s edge path. He who wavers is lost. Only the resolute can survive.

O Kabir, you may have a keen desire for devotion to your Guru, but how can one be a humble servant unless first one removes every other desire from the mind completely?

Devotion is the raft that brings salvation. One who climbs aboard is a saint. But lazy men keep on drowning one lifetime after another.

As long as you have any ties to this world, you cannot have devotion. As soon as you cut all your ties to this world, and put yourself to remember the Lord, you will be known as a devotee.

Without devotion you will never make it to safety, no matter how you try. Only he who has love for the True Name can reach the Kingdom of Heaven.

When Guru helps you, you will receive devotion. He who has both love and devotion is the most fortunate of men.

There is no way you can copy devotion. Imitation devotion falls apart in time of danger, as the leaves quit the trees in winter.

If you try to grab at devotion, your grasp will soon falter. Few are those devotees, maddened by love, who can truly hold fast to the Satguru.

Without the complete and perfect Knowledge, the heart cannot know any peace. Artificial devotion cannot hold the appearance of love for very long.

The devotee who knows the truth dies daily, for he longs to give up his sense of his own importance. An ignorant man cannot understand this mystery.

An ignorant man cannot grasp the importance of opportunities when they come his way. He spends his time satisfying his worldly cravings.

When the sun rises, the night flees. In the same way, all bad intentions flee before Satguru’s Knowledge.

Greed undermines one’s understanding, and self-seeking and pride cause one to lose devotion.

During the rainy season, there are floods everywhere. But a river is something which continues to flow, even during the dry months of summer.

Everyone who begins on the path of devotion looks like a devotee, but he alone is worthy of the name, who continues even when hard times come upon him.

People who are full of desires, bad temper and greed can never be devotees. Maybe one in a million forgets caste, creed, colour and family, and has true devotion.

O Kabir, life is worth nothing unless one has devotion for the Satguru. It is like so much smoke which dissolves in an instant.

Whoever is truly impartial can have devotion. Whoever has no illusions can have Knowledge. Whoever makes no distinctions in his mind can attain salvation. Whoever is without greed can dissolve in his Lord’s Lotus Feet.

True devotion keeps the mind perfectly in balance at all times. The true devotee lives modestly, he does not make a distinction between "mine" and "thine."

Fishes love water, ambitious men love money, mothers love their sons, and devotees love the Holy Name.

O Kabir, all my doubts have dissolved as a result of devotion to my Guru. To go for a day without devotion would be complete torture.

So long as one’s devotion is mixed with desire, it cannot bear fruit. O Kabir, why should the Lord, the Desireless One, come before one who is full of desire?

The seed of devotion does not change. It is the same now and for ever. One may be born in the families of beggars or king, it makes no difference. A saint will always be a saint.

Forget caste, creed, colour, Kabir, and devote yourself body and soul. Satguru will come to you, and free you from birth and death.

Devotion is like a toy. Anyone can experience it. Kabir says, in devotion there is no difference between a king and a beggar.

Devotion is as dear to the Holy Name as lovemaking is to a lustful man. Just as a lustful man thinks about making love all the time, so a devotee never ceases to remember the Holy Name.

No one can reach God without devotion to Satguru. He alone can give Knowledge of the Supreme.

Only by devotion to Satguru can you receive Knowledge of the Supreme. All scriptures sing the praises of devotion to the Perfect Master.

He who has as much devotion for his Guru as he has for God is called a great soul. His heart is illumined, afire.

[Dividing Line Image]

If you connect the dots here you see a very clear picture.  Very few people can be real devotees (one in a million) as the path is very sharp.  You waver, you're out.  There are lots of fake devotees but they don't count for anything.  And without devotion -- the real stuff, that is -- your life is worth nothing. 

This is just one of many examples.  It might be his father's words but he said the same thing himself, over and over and over again.  For you to now say that you could simply walk away from this trip as easily as changing your telephone long distance carrier, no muss, no fuss, no guilt whatsoever, suggests to me that you were simply deaf to what Rawat kept shouting at you ad infinitum. And yes, by the way, we really did think that the instructors were lifted to some exalted, surrendered state of consciousness.  Rawat thought so too and that's why he gave them a famous threatening example to worry about.  They were like glasses that had been lifted up high.  If they fell, given their lofty spiritual achievement, they were doomed to break in a million pieces.  I read that in the "secret" Initiator Handbook. 

Yes, people are different alright but that only goes so far.  If you didn't fall into the full-blown trap of guilt, razor's edge and all that shit, fine.  In that respect, you're like a lot of the premies who're still hanging in there.  They didn't get or avoided Rawat's real message at the time, for whatever reason, and now pretend it was something other than what it really was.  That's the bullshit part. 

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