Re: I hear you and I sing to you
Re: I hear you -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
paddy ®

08/18/2005, 23:25:30
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My initial post was in response to Joe posting: "I said that cults are mostly based on fear and I stand by that, because to me, the definition of a cult is mind control, and that's done mostly out of fear." I responded that for me it was mostly fun and that the other premies certainly looked like were, and said they they were, enjoying "practising Knowledge".

We agree on guilts variety 2 & 3 so enough said.

"1) Guilt one had in the midst of being a premie and feeling one wasn't doing enough or wasn't pure enough, etc." "Fear too, for that matter. They went hand-in-hand. "

One thing that virtually all the famous religious or mystics in theistic religions agree upon is that you can never be doing enough to approach God and you can never be pure enough. That is why when practisng a spiritual path in a sincere manner we eventually discover that we are reliant on God's grace. Some people, presumably by reason of their character find this induces guilt and fear and they are legion in the Christian tradition and others find that understanding liberating and joyful and they are probably more common in the Sufi and some Hindu traditions.

I found the situation in 70's DLM joyful and liberating and if others found it guilt producing and fearful then that's the way the chips fell. (I have never gambled so I'm talking about chips from an axe when chopping timber). I am not attempting to deny your and Joe's experience I am merely insisting that it was not the only experience. I am also protesting the very strong and vehement criticism that you place upon anyone with a differing viewpoint who posts on this Forum though I was guilty of something similar last week with FlyingWithoutWings.

Hand in hand we will travel
The road goes for ever on
Guru Maharaji ...

I forget what comes next but I'm pretty sure it was a joyful song and that's what I remember.

PS I no longer believe any of that religious stuff anymore BTW

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