But, Steve, those weren't the Commandments, were they?
Yes they were. Check em out here: http://www.ex-premie.org/pages/bkgrnd3.htm
And as for never leaving doubt in your mind, that wasn't him commanding you to keep it free from concepts. That was him commanding you to have no doubt about anything he said. This was a constant theme in his satsang. Trusting Maharaji meant trusting him despite whatever our puny, vile minds had to say.
This was definitely not a requirement in my Knowledge session. No one said, “You have to do everything Maharaji says for the rest of your life or you can't receive Knowledge.” If it had been I would have looked elsewhere.
Yet, as you've already said, you sometimes valued your opinion over his. In other words, you doubted his wisdom. You doubted your Guru Maharaj Ji. Bad premie! Bad, bad premie!
I doubted his wisdom about nutrition, moving into the ashram, Mac computers, foot kissing, vegetarianism, a lot of things. To me, following Maharaji was all about holy name and staying there. That was his area of expertise – and only that. Nothing else. So was I a bad premie or simply a discerning one?
You might have been "King of the World" but I was trying to be something called a "devotee". Perhaps you've heard the term somewhere?
Devotion means loyalty, commitment, and dedication. But to what? Devotion to holy name, my personal experience of Knowledge, the experience I have inside when I turn out the lights and meditate. This is where it was at for me, not a guy living in Malibu. It was about self-knowledge.