Our struggle will be long.
Posted by:
Will ®

01/24/2005, 16:37:18
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Many premies have come to this forum to challenge either the actual information published on EPO, or to challenge the attitude, opinions, and feelings of ex-premies.  I do not know of a single example where one of these challenges has been successful.  In fact, most of the premie challenges have been embarassingly lame.

I may be wrong.  Maybe I don't remember.  There is one minor issue that may have qualified as a premie clairification, the rabbit shooting issue.  But I don't clearly recall the opposing arguments for that issue nor which side was more accurate.  And, of course, it's a minor point.

Some issues discussed here are merely a matter of opinion, for instance whether Rawat is a good public speaker or a poor one. 

Yet there are premies who stay with the cult.  So I wonder about its future.  I think that the future growth of Rawat's cult will be very limited, but I also think the cult will survive in a limited way.  Human beings are subject to a disordered mental state that make cults possible.  Scientific American has just launched a new magazine called "Mind."  In the premier issue, there is an article about the belief in the occult that many adolescents go through.  They turn to such beliefs as the I Ching in order to make some sense of the larger world.  There are literally millions of people gullible enough to stay trapped in an occult view of life.   The belief in Rawat as a Perfect Master is one manifestation of this mind trap. 

Most premies grow out of the cult, but I do not believe that there is any method that one can use to free a person from a cult mindset if they are still in it.  The reason is that life in its largest scope is mysterious and we do indeed have minds full of Jungian archetypes and the potential for mystical experiences.   There will always be people who find comfort in the guidance provided by spiritual authority figures and traditions.

The sad thing is that there is so much suffering due to the religious instinct.  This is one of the top problems we face as individuals and in the world as a whole.  The future holds the potential and the great need for much learning and growth.  It will take a long time.

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