"Irreparable" brain tumor -- I don't get the analogy
Re: like taking cigarettes away from a person with an irreparable brain tumour -- Susan Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/25/2005, 14:07:16
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Hi Susan, how are you?

Well, not to be pickey, but I think Jonx means "incurable" (or maybe "inoperable?") brain tumor, but in any case, what is that analogy supposed to mean?  That premies are on their last legs in some kind of terrible condition, and it's only the "hope" of what Maharaji claims to offer that gives them any solace in their otherwise desperate, diseased, lives, and we should, you know, just let them have their delusion and not point out the truth because we pity them so?

Perhaps Jonx has been listening to Rawat too much over the years, and taking at face value his usually derisive comments about the human condition -- that the "people of the world" are all just hopeless and lost without knowledge (and him), and what a worthless bunch of specks of dust we all are.  I guess if you buy into that, any "hope," no matter how false, is a good thing.

I know the need for hope, we all need it.  Life isn't always easy or fun, but I for one believe we are not terminal cases, and I have a lot more faith in humanity than Jonx (and Rawat) appears to have.

Modified by Joe at Tue, Jan 25, 2005, 18:14:56

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