Chicago too
Re: HEY, BEER HERE!! -- OTS Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
dant ®

01/26/2005, 05:22:58
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That beer selling was going on in Chicago too at some sports games or something. I remember doing it once and then saying never again. The whole day selling beer to a bunch of drunken slobs. Well I guess the Christian monks spent most of their time making beer and champagne, so what should I have expected.

In Minneapolis they used to do ushering at some concert hall. I remember how the ashram boys were all so "blissed out" after coming back from a Who concert. One would have thought they had seen the Lawd. I refused to go as I thought it was way too embarassing. I preferred going into strip bars with Mexican imports, a much more respectable and appropriate way of raising money for a monastic order.

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