Cheap Goods, Slave Labour and loads of Money.
Re: Right on Lexy!!! -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

01/25/2005, 08:25:03
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Tee Hee Cynthia...jumble ! It's at times like this we need cq back. He would even find some pictures of the stuff !!

"Jumble" was the mainstay of the London Premie Economy ( or it seemed like that to me !! ). Jumble Sales, Antique Fairs, Bric-a-Brac Stalls and even a few shops. I used to drive around in my little orange Fiat Quinquecento collecting the stinking stuff both from premies and normal people in big ,black ,plastic bags. Then we would rent a hall and organise a Jumble Sale...some of these were legendary . I'm sure Sir Dave remembers. "Jumbling" Activities took place all around London ( actually " Jumble Sales" and Saturday afternoons are almost synonymous in wider Britain). This lucrative source of income was ideal to fill the Master's Coffers. The goods to be sold were obtained free of charge which gave almost 100% profit ( had to rent the venues for the sale ), premie labour was free and we never even charged for expenses ( petrol/gasoline etc ).We also sold cups of tea  and biscuits for about 30p...all very British !

Question:     So ..what is "Jumble"?

Answer:  Used clothing and goods...basic, sometimes a bit dirty and smelly,  but profitable.                  

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