There's one thing about which we can rest assured
Re: Re: I appreciate your need for hope, Jonx -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Neville B ®

01/25/2005, 18:30:30
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And that's that premies have no answers. A more incompetent bunch--at doing almost anything--is hard to imagine. One only need check through the history of Amaroo or read the "training" transcripts to see that. Moreover, the idea that premies have any special peace is not born out by observation. Funny that premies still claim they've got peace when even M has admitted to anger-management difficulties.

Now here's a real problem in the real world: a cult leader who relies on his detractors being dispersed and isolated so that they are unable to speak with a single voice. It's a signal-to-noise situation--if you are one person alone the noise of garish festivals and well-spun press releases can drown you out. The cult leader is safe, always able to shout louder than the lone dissident. But here's two very powerful solutions to this problem, provided by ex-premies and the timely tech of the internet: F8 and EPO.

Neville B

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