How are your bovines these days?
Have you given them names yet?
If not, consider before you do.
Are they destined eventually for the freezers of the homes of your great land?
If the answer to this is yes, then definitely you must not name them, as this anthropomorphises them, and then you will start noticing all their totally individual traits of personality.
Then your faith in Darwin's all-explaining theory of Evolution will begin to tremble as you ask why it is necessary for such dumb creatures to have individual type characters.You might then start doing stuff like making them daisy necklaces, or straw hats against the heat, with holes in them for the horns.
Then you may start taking your keyboards among them into the fields (or Plains), and playing them Arti type stuff.
Imagine watching them trying to pranam, or attaching themselves around beragons.
Hmm, safer just to send them off to Big Mac as fast as possible, IMHO.