Tell me Jonx, can you even say ONE criticism of Prem Rawat? Come on, give it a try. Can you do it?
Now you are insulting my intelligence. Read the interchange I had with Heller if you want my response... he asked the same nonesensical question.
This is a strategy to raise doubt right? Get me to criticize him just once and watch my committment fall apart like a house of cards, right? It worked on Dettmers, and he's a smart guy. Christ, next thing you'll play good cop bad cop with me. Like I say, you insult my intelligence.
Plus, I found out that Rawat had nothing whatsoever to do with any kind of positive experience I had, and that I didn't need knowledge to be happy.
Probably true Joe. If you hated being a premie, probably didn't get anything out of it.
What are you afraid of? If you are so sure about all this, why are you anonymous? Kinda makes you wonder.
Another question you all ask on cue. Again, read my response to Heller.
So Joe, you didn't answer my question... but then how could you? What hope does Joe Whalen offer to the world to replace the hope you are coercing premies to forfeit in favour of their doubts?