Not much of one
Re: Is there a future? -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/24/2005, 18:24:57
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Okay, so you planted the seed of doubt in a number of people's heads.

With all due respect, Jonx, you really shouldn't insult the intelligence of premies.  People really are capable of independent thought and the idea that it's just "planting seeds" and those "doubts' wouldn't exist except for some mysterious power of persuasion of some ex-premies and a website is kind of ridiculous.

I think most people will tell you that they already had the doubts and problems with Rawat, the premies, the cult, the constant fundraising, Rawat's obscenely lavish lifestyle, the dwindling number of premies, the contradictions and changes in "the truth," and the rest before they ever looked at EPO.  Those who are open to hearing about what EPO has to say will tell you that it reinforced what they secretly felt, but didn't dare say to any other premie.

If somebody is having a wonderful time as a premie, why do they care what EPO says?  It's the people who aren't having a good time as a premie, who are just kind of hanging on, maybe not leaving out of fear or whatever that benefit from EPO.  So, Jonx, maybe in that respect EPO is doing Rawat a favor, by helping people who aren't enjoyinglife as a premie to get out of it.  You know, separating the wheat from the shaff, or the humans from the saints or something like that.

And, by the way,  this is one of the MAJOR mind control techniques in the cult, which is that criticism of Prem Rawat is NOT ALLOWED, and it is so internalized that it is virtually impossible to get a premie to do it.  Doubts in general aren't allowed, but doubts about Rawat are verbotten.

Tell me Jonx, can you even say ONE criticism of Prem Rawat?  Come on, give it a try.  Can you do it? 

I left the cult long before EPO existed.  It would have been a lot easier if there had been something like EPO back then, but it was really before the Internet.  It would have been helpful to get advice and support from others.  I hated being a premie.  I left and I was a lot happier after I left.  Plus, I found out that Rawat had nothing whatsoever to do with any kind of positive experience I had, and that I didn't need knowledge to be happy.  I speak only for myself in that regard, but it does seem to be a pattern with a fairly large number of people.

And another thing, you know so many of our names, mostly because we have no problem saying who we are and standing behind what we believe.  What isn't that the case with you, or any of the other premies who come here?  What are you afraid of?  If you are so sure about all this, why are you anonymous?  Kinda makes you wonder.

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