Re: Is there a future?
Re: Is there a future? -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Toby ®

01/24/2005, 18:18:55
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you are well informed, for how long do you watch EPO?
Do you hold any position at Elan Vital?
Maharaji gives hope on your blown up mini-experience?
That's the typical pattern of a cult. Wake up, stand for yourself. Then you don't need any unworthy special training from rawat any more.
You yourself are more deeper, than that what rawat is reflecting, in fact keeping focus on him becomes a jail and is the end of you , progressing. It makes you run in cirles, program ,normal life, program ,normal life.... the real secrets begins if you conquer the light, step beyond it, into the world that is not physical and learn. Here is where you have to be responsible to yourself. Your humanity, your honesty is what counts there. A corrupted attitude to truthfulnness, because you want to do a favour to rawat is a barrier that will get you stuck completely. as if you wouldn't feel it, but cannot express it, you do.


Modified by Toby at Mon, Jan 24, 2005, 18:19:57

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