The early fundraising
Re: jumbles happened in the States too. -- dant Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/25/2005, 13:49:15
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Right, Jumbles, combined with "Divine Sales" (which were storefronts that sold what got jumbled, as well as the possessions of people who moved into the ashrams which were considered unnecessary) were two of the early ways premies made money.

When Rawat decided he wanted a Boeing 707 outfitted like it was for the Sultan of Brunei, he needed to raise millions from premies, so premies resurrected some of those early activities, like selling flowers on the streets, rummage sales, selling "honey oat bars" (and hoping to live with the constipation that resulted), selling chocolate chip cookies (that was big in Boston), car washes, bake sales, and, especially, "book buying" which ended up being one of the major supporters of Rawat's lifestyle.

Clay, hanging flower pots, that was another one.  Clay pots from Mexico sold on the streets of major US cities.

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