And here's another valid point
Re: Re: You made a very valid point, Jonx -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Neville B ®

01/25/2005, 18:52:30
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"You are not unique. That is a factor of maturity and growth.As time has gone on I have become increasingly more productive too."

Tell that to the people who didn't get degrees because M told them to go into an ashram. Or to the people who didn't get relationships because M told them such things were bad (this while sleeping with his secretary). Or to the couples who divorced because M wanted them to concentrate on working for him at DECA.

He's screwed up a lot of lives and wasted a lot of years for a lot of people. He expected to be obeyed like a god, and he was, but his decisions were disastrous. In thirty years he has achieved nothing good for this world.

Neville B

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