What if you are wrong about Maharaji. Does that mean you are in fact dishonest? Or does your honesty still hold? After all there are a lot of honest people who are dead wrong.
That's plain, old fashioned, Rawat-style fear-mongering.
What makes you think a path of honesty leads to the light of hope? It didn't for so many honest people who were hopelessly and in the end, desperately wrong.
Run that one by me again?
We all want life to be defined by either black or white so that in our imagination we can find ourselves on the side of right. How can you come to terms with finding yourself on both sides, and again somewhere in between. Now that takes honesty.
Speak for yourself. And once again, what are you talking about? Clarify the words, please.
Btw, Jonx, are you ever going to respond to Mike Finch's post to you? Here it is: