Well it isn't all that difficult to understand
Re: Re: Did you really have being a premie? -- Paddy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/25/2005, 00:00:21
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People do a lot of things they don't like because they think they are supposed to, or because it's the "right" thing to do, or because they are afraid to do anything else, or the alternatives are all worse, or out of a faint hope that it will get better, or in the case of the Rawat cult, that you are supposed to surrender, to not doubt, to just trust the master, do what he says to do and that he knows best.

By the time I really hated being a premie I did leave, but it was in spite of the rigorous programming Rawat instilled into us that doubt was not allowed, that we weren't supposed to be concerned about our personal happiness but we were just to devote our lives to him and he would give us what we needed.   Plus he said that if we left, vegetables would rot inside of us, we would go to hell, and jump into shark infested waters, among other things.  So, it took a lot of misery as a premie before I could overlook all that and leave. 

It isn't really that difficult to understand.  Most of the premies I knew were pretty miserable people most of the time, yet they stayed for a long time too, for the same reasons, probably.

Modified by Joe at Tue, Jan 25, 2005, 00:23:29

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