Re: POV is now banned from this Forum
Re: POV is now banned from this Forum -- Pacific Mod Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
cq ®

10/19/2004, 14:18:55
Author Profile

Alert Moderators

Hi there Pacific Mod - though Roger Daltry (for one) might just want to have a word with you about that self-description! (pacific=peaceful; Mod=not a Rocker, if you get my gist)

Just for the record (and hopefully not just as a face-saving exercise) do you think it would be a good idea to say exactly what those "other reasons" were?

I realise that POV's opinions were anathema to many exes, and that his dismissal of (and lack of empathy towards) one of the many victims of Jadgeo's abuse bordered on the offensive, but I feel he/she was at least trying to give honest responses to the questions and challenges we put.

I know you are not obliged in any way to give reasons, but ... I think it might be a sensible idea.

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