I remember "Struwwelpeter" ...
Re: You like the pic? You'll love these, if you remember "Struwwelpeter" ... -- cq Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

10/25/2004, 18:43:03
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That book did feature in my childhood library ( I was in a very strange childrens home ). It was one of my favourites because it was scarey.

I especially remember " Shockheaded Peter " as the pic was an ominous warning about what might happen if I didn't keep my hair brushed and tidy ( if my hair was messy I was actually called " Shockheaded Peter" ! )...I found the pic. totally mesmerising as a child.

Maybe thats why I accepted the fairly ghoulish interior decoration of the Palace of Peace ( dark and mysterious with all those mutated human/animal gods and goddesses...! ) and the whacky and slightly hysterical goings-on therein.Anybody who wasn't there must find all this hard to believe ( as Bunny mentioned , up the top ).


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