... or realisations of insignificance?
Re: Insignificant Realizations -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
cq ®

10/26/2004, 00:37:23
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I've just got myself into loads of trouble up the top with your pic.!
Seems to me you explained your motives very clearly. Trouble? what trouble? (and don't say "crisis, what crisis?")!

If your poem had been a sculpture you'd have won the Turner Prize ( LOL ! ) Good old Guardian .They once published a letter from me about Serge Gainsbourg......do you think the mods are coming to get us yet.... we're way off thread.
OT we might be, but since we usually get round to something that's of relevance to the whole thing (i.e. being a premie/former premie, and the experiences associated with that) I guess we should make best use of whatever slack the mods might be cutting us. No harm in getting to know people better, is there? I, er ... hope (gulp)

( clears throat ) Every time I've had an Epiph...er ..realization ,I've said it straight away . They were as insignificant as the ones in your poem , I'm afraid and just for fun.
Yup, insignificant they may turn out to be, but what a great feeling when that moment of realisation comes! Like the world has suddenly started making sense again.

Realization 1. I understand at last what a Troll is .
Not entirely convinced of that, given your 2nd realisation.

Realisation2. I am a Troll.

Realization 3. Ex-ashram ex-premies are easily led astray.
Astray? From what? The old "straight and narrow"? Fortunately for me, (speaking as a former ashramite), I found out where the road to Rawat was leading. Also found out I didn't want to go there. Nowadays, it's nice just to walk in the hills and the heather.

Realization 4. Mike read " Zen Flesh, Zen Bones " because it was somehow related to being prepared to sever our arms ( flesh and bones ) for knowledge.
Aha! That explains it. Come to think of it, wasn't there something just the teeniest bit "Grimm" about the whole trip of asking for knowledge? I'm sure there's got to be a folk-tale or two about such initiatory experiences.

( clears throat again )...so ..what was your experience of the ashram??
Which would you like to hear about first? - the DLM ashram or the Rajneesh one in Poona?

Til later.

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