Happy Nightmares!
Re: surrender's not the way (despite what we were told) -- cq Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

10/24/2004, 17:11:08
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Loved the pic. LOL !! I remember a premie once, during some interminable satsang marathon, saying that when she was young she always read about the handsome prince who came and rescued the damsel in distress......well you can guess the rest ( pass the barf bag as Cynthia would say).

I haven't looked at Google yet but my childhood was steeped in those creepy looking brothers spooky stories. Nowadays the kids versions are politically correctly adjusted and sanitised,( The wolf doesn't even have his stomach sliced open in Little Red Riding Hood...its not the same!)  but I read leather bound Victorian tomes of the original no- holds- barred, blood-thirsty stories and loved every gorey morsel.

Happy Nightmares....( manic laugh fading into the distance)

Modified by Lexy at Sun, Oct 24, 2004, 18:04:05

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