surrender's not the way (despite what we were told)
Re: Oh Yes reumbled me.I surrender........ -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
cq ®

10/24/2004, 10:47:48
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Surrender's a cop-out to someone's elses' ideals. Took me a while to realise it though.

Dependence or independence?
The question's a no-brainer.
Whether 'tis nobblier in the grind
to suffer I-Chings and tarots of outrageous fortune
Or to take charms against a sea of bubbles,
And by supposing, end them?

(sorry, it's Sunday, and I've had a glass or two).

As for the Brothers Grimm, your post inspired me to find out a little about them. (I've got a copy of their Fairy Tales on one of my bookshelves, but it's been an age since I delved ...)

I didn't know (til I did a Google) that they "attempted to use peasant poetry, fairy tales, and mythology to reconstruct the pre-Christian religion of the Germanic people'.

Think I know what I'll be reading before bedtime tonight!


Modified by cq at Sun, Oct 24, 2004, 11:12:16

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