How do premies see Prem Rawat now...really
Posted by:
San ®

01/14/2005, 07:32:47
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I wonder if premies see Prem Rawat the same as Bill Clinton was seen by his loyalists even after all the bad news came out about his escapades.

Clinton was a pretty good president if you look past Monicagate and all that went with it.  I wonder if premies see Prem the same way, like a lovable scroundrel who is great at his job but challenged in his personal private life, and both groups choose to see that as two different worlds, one of which is none of their business.  The 'Bill Clinton of Perfect Masters'.....hmmmmmm

The only thing is that both men did things or allowed things or let things slip by that negatively affected other people.  And that drastically changes the scenery when other lives get affected.  What do premies think about that?  Is there a party line other than what EV says, or do all the premies still defer to their higher authority rather than their own voice?

Any premies reading, let's hear from you.  This is a forum.  If you secretly still think he's the Lord incarnate, I don't expect you to say that here, but aside from that, please be as frank and honest as you can be.  The truth can set you free.  But please don't bullshit me.  Either say what you really believe or say nothing.  Like a cake, if you don't put in the right ingredients, you don't get the cake pictured on the box.  Truth is an essential ingredient for a forum to work right.  You cooperation is appreciated.           

Modified by San at Fri, Jan 14, 2005, 07:35:55

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