If I may continue just a bit more, as I was saying, Jesus broke rules to institute simpler easier to 'get' ones instead of over 600 little rules for everything, which is what the old testament was about. He streamlined the Jewish thing to allow the essence of the teachings to come to the foreground and not the rules and regs, which is what was going on, for many of the the ones in charge had unfortunately turned the whole thing with the rules and regs into a very profitable business and that is one major thing that Jesus came to correct. (google 'jesus and the moneychangers' and you will see what I mean)
One more thing....Jesus raised women to a higher stature than the one they had before he came. He saved Mary Magdelene from being stoned to death and some even believe that they married and he survived the crucifixion and they had a family back out in the essene desert community known as 'heaven' (truth). When he said he would rise after 3 days, only two women really believed and were at the tomb while the men were praying the mourners' prayers in town. Women were held up high by Jesus who also consecrated the sacrament of marriage by his involvement in having enough wine on hand in Cana.
Whereas Prem has women on the side ( I am not judging him, I am just saying what is a fact) and yet he has gotten violently jealous at the slightest trace of any interest between his wife and any man. So he is not saying that open marriages are OK, he is saying that the man rules and the woman is in the back of the bus again, relegated to being a sexual object without equal rights across the board. This seems to be a big step backwards for women's rights. That is what I see from just what has been made public. Am I missing anything?
As for the wonderful experience that you say is all we should be concerned with, let me ask you a question. If you could get something at a store where there was all kinds of bullshit going on, or you could get the same product in a much more positive and life supporting environment, where would you shop?