Re: The Devil and the Deep ,Dark Pit......
Re: The Devil and the Deep ,Dark Pit...... -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
nemesis ®

10/31/2004, 13:32:11
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Lexy - your depression was obviously an acute case and needed professional help, which you sought. I was referring to the vague "existential type" of depression where some people can't see the meaning in their lives. This is not the same as the gut-wrenching depression that you speak of.

As for my "helpful homilies" - I certainly didn't mean them to sound that way. Many of us joined the cult because we wanted to make a difference in the world. After leaving the cult, there is sometimes a void to fill in this area, and yet there are so many ways that a person can make a difference without being involved in a religion or cult - that's what I meant. My life is full of meaning now and I still find it hard to believe that I wasted so much time working for such a self-centered man as Rawat.

One of the hardest things for a person experiencing depression to accept (IMO,) is that depression is a very self-centered experience. That doesn't mean there isn't a physical cause however, and I do accept however that the depressive is unable to pull themself out of their self-centered universe easily.

That is why I favor medication, even on a short term basis. It can help lift the person out of the dark pit long enough to start them thinking about more than just their own inner demons.

I also think that meditation is very dangerous for depressives -- it focuses so much on the self -- which is not what is needed when things seem dark and lonely.

I am so glad you have recovered, and applaud your hard work.

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