Re: "He also offers you a medicine, a solution."
Re: Guru Quack ! -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

11/03/2004, 19:12:28
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Any advice can be dangerous if no reasonable attempt is made to understand it properly. A degree of sincerity and a willingness to try and understand, by using your God-given intelligence, is generally required for good human interaction and communication.

Maharaji and Knowledge certainly helped me. And I was badly in need of help at the age of 20 (when I got Knowledge) after the experiences I suffered as a teenager, which really screwed me up (which I have previously mentioned on this board). But the way Maharaji and Knowledge helped me was not by me stupidly thinking that all I have to do is practice Knowledge and all my physical and mental health problems will be automatically magically "cured". The way Maharaji and Knowledge helped me was by helping me to experience some peace, some positive feelings, allowing me to think more clearly, more positively, and more open-mindedly, allowing me to see what I needed to do - in my case that involved finding professional help and guidance for both physical and psychological problems I was experiencing. It is often not easy to do what you are advised to do by therapists, to do what in your heart you know you should do, change can sometimes be very difficult, but the practice of Knowledge helped give me the strength and determination to do what I was professionally advised to do, to make sometimes difficult but positive changes in my life. Maharaji and Knowledge were very inspiring to me, and a great source of comfort when going through difficult times. It would be difficult to overstate how much Maharaji's guidance and inspiration and the practice of Knowledge helped me in this respect. Knowledge is still helping me to make positive changes in my life, Maharaji is still inspiring me to do what in my heart I really want to do.

But if you want to be stupid about it, you can just take any quotes out of context and just not bother to apply any understanding. Luckily for me, I wanted to understand.

Modified by godonlyknows at Wed, Nov 03, 2004, 19:20:00

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