Re: The Devil and the Deep ,Dark Pit......
Re: Re: The Devil and the Deep ,Dark Pit...... -- nemesis Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

10/31/2004, 16:52:12
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 My life is full of meaning now and I still find it hard to believe that I wasted so much time working for such a self-centered man as Rawat.

One of the hardest things for a person experiencing depression to accept (IMO,) is that depression is a very self-centered experience. That doesn't mean there isn't a physical cause however, and I do accept however that the depressive is unable to pull themself out of their self-centered universe easily.

I am speechless with disbelief at your complete lack of understanding . You should wear a warning label


I'm afraid you are completely wrong...a depressive illness is no more self -centred than any other illness. Is heart disease " self-centred " or a broken leg? Or even moving on to non physical- disease... is schizophrenia " self-centred " or amnesia or hysteria or mania.... or whatever...

I think you should never , ever try to advise people about depression again until you learn something about it   and as you obviously think you already know about it...that may take some time.......

Also calling a human being  " the depressive " is enough  to make anyone feel depressed. It's ugly and sounds ,some how like a judgement.

I have only told very few people about this before. I paid the psycho analyst who helped me ...privately. Nobody ever needed to know about it. 

I plumbed the depths of myself to somehow put into words what I had experienced and seems that its a complete waste of time.

Later edit: I've just read Pat D's post. She's quite right. I've missed the point. Let's forget it !


Modified by Lexy at Sun, Oct 31, 2004, 19:23:25

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