More like Infamy! LOL!...
Re: Cynthia - be proud of your fame! LOL -- nemesis Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

11/01/2004, 09:18:20
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Hi Nem,

I remember what happened to you last year and it wasn't pretty.  "Terrorists" is actually a good characterization of what the Premie Monitors (Hi!) do for Prem Rawat, as well as his inner circle, and the anonymous online premies.  They really think they are immune from his wrath.  Well, nobody is immune from being cast out into the wilderness!  (I must be in a colorful mood today.) 

To tell you the truth, the reason I keep bringing up


is because it's such a blight on Rawat's personal history as the Lord of the Universe.  Whoops, he's really the I'm proud to be a human being, former Satguru!  LOL!  And I think that


is more of a reason for Rawat & Co. to try to shut me up than just because I had emotional problems.  Otherwise, why would he care so much to give me that personal attention?    

Well, Rawat & Co. really blew it.  They used the $cientology touch with me, so there's no going back now.


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