you are a nurse cool
Re: No pain - no gain? -- nemesis Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Susan ®

11/01/2004, 12:11:08
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I am happy, all the lawyers have colleagues now I do too!

I am sorry again about how mean I was. Since you were a psych nurse surely you have seen all manner of ignorance about psychiatric illness. I am not a psych nurse but I play one on the web ( no I don't). What you may have seen are loved ones who "blame" the person who is ill for not being able to snap out of it. I suppose I compared it to physical illness because I think the comparison is useful to help a person stand back and see what sorts of help a person with mental illness may need. A family of a person with depression are also victims of the disease, as I see it. I think it is important, like we do with other illnesses, to seperate the person from the disease state. People with mental illness ( which in and of itself seems a nasty label ) easily fall prey to "snap out of it" mentality.  I thought that was what you were saying.

When I was pregnant and just after I had my last baby I used to post a lot on new mom type boards. I especially was drawn to the debate type boards. Like home birth -vs- hospital birth, drugs -vs- no drugs, nursing into toddlerhood, circumcison etc. The debates there were as heated as some here. I was constantly misunderstood! I think when you have vast experience with something you can fail to see what the person without that experience is going to read into your posts. After I reread it,today, not even after I deleted my nasty answer, I could see what you may actually been trying to say, esp, after you explained it more. Could it be the layperson ( me) vs professional (you) that leads to misinterpetation?

I wish you well, and I am so glad that your life is going so well! Living well is the best revenge as they say!

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